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Event Horizon

inside my mind

a little house

protects me from the monsters

this quiet haven cradles me in safety

the sharp edges of the world outside become dull

the noise, silent

the bitter, sweet

with each visit, I leave something behind

a weight off my back

and I put it on the shelf

I find solace here

I get more comfortable with each retreat

visiting more often

until it feels like home

a place I’d rather be

over time the shelves fill

so I build more

and more

and more

until the tipping point

I delicately balance one more burden

high atop the rest

and it all comes crashing down

psychological dominos

shelves buckle, pulling the walls in

the house collapses under its own weight

forming a black hole

swallowing everything

every fear

every neglected memory

every ungrieved loss

every silenced dream

every buried question

density increases, generating its own gravity

pulling me closer

what once was my escape

morphs quickly, insidiously 

into my prison

one I may never escape

the light puts up one last fight

before surrender

rock bottom means upside, they say

but the compression of an object

collapsing under its own gravity

is infinite 

pressure creates diamonds, they say

but also disintegration

to save myself is to abandon the only shelter I know

and even though it’s now gone

and never truly was

I find it hard to let go

facing life unfiltered, without a security blanket

is to endure the assault of every feeling

nothing to dull the senses

confronting the raw, unvarnished truth

that we’re on our own…


…we have each other

and in that I find strength

escape velocity starts slowly

I claw at the dirt for a handhold

hoping to find something strong enough

to take on the abyss in a tug-of-war

behold, the plants and their deep roots

I pull myself away until I can stand on my own

and with each step its power over me eases

until, at long last, I find myself running

safely out of range


every nerve exposed

seeing the world as if for the first time

it looks different now, yet somehow more familiar

the beauty is disorienting

the air soothing

the light intoxicating

and I soon find

that the wonder contained in a blade of grass

is the only escape I ever needed

the monsters I once feared

watch me emerge, waving a timid hello

waiting for me to fight 

or run and hide

but with nowhere to go

they seem less scary than before

I move closer, seeing them clearly

without the mist of darkness clouding my view

and to my surprise, they don’t want to hurt me

all they’ve ever wanted from me

is a hug

so we embrace

I sometimes miss my little house

a place to store by troubles

but my new friends help me carry them

until I’m ready to face them

embrace them

and let them go

what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, they say

but a mere three letters separate

self-destruction and -deconstruction

one a dead end

the other metamorphosis

and just as a caterpillar’s perspective is limited

by no fault of their own 

my life before transformation feels so small

a time when I could only crawl

before I learned how to fly


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